Milestone Cards
16 cards/pack
Free Paper Photo Frame
Celebratory Imprint
Backside Writable
16 cards/pack
Free Paper Photo Frame
Celebratory Imprint
Backside Writable
NEW Introducing 'Milestone Cards'!

Milestone Cards: Documenting every significant moment after your baby's birth!
TinTint's Milestone Cards include 12 months, 100 days, and hand/footprints.
Capture precious moments by taking photos with your baby on the front, and on the back, jot down your baby's height and weight, creating a complete record of each month's growth.
Pair these Milestone Cards with monthly photos of your baby. After a year, you'll have a perfect first birthday gift for your little one!
Your baby grows only once, so use the Milestone Cards to cherish and preserve the loving memories.


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